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Last Updated |
2/15/2022 |
Status |
Confirmed |
Email Address |
eunie.mathews@yah%%oo.com |
Location |
Clyde Park, MT |
Phone |
406#686#4300 |
Birthday |
December 9 |
Status Spouse/Partner |
Will be married 60 years on 5/19/2022 to Duane Mathews |
Offspring |
Karilee (daughter) & Kurt (son). 10 Grandchildren (18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 & 29) |
Where life took me after TF South
- Graduated as RN from West Suburban Hospital School of Nursing in 1962. Worked in OR/RR, Dr’s office, private duty, and finally as Coordinator of Continuing Education for Health Care Workers at Orlando Tech 1990-2000.
- Moved to Montana in 2001 near daughters family and retired. Son and family in Pennsylvania.
- Spent 6 months – year in Ghana, West Africa several times with son’s family.
- Taught Bible and English in Taiwan & South Korea for 4 months.
- Trip to Israel.
- Actively involved in our Church and neighborhood.
- Husband hasn’t missed a single monthly anniversay in almost 60 years with a gift, dinner date,flowers, etc.
- Rejoicing in the LORD Jesus and so thankful He is in control of this crazy world.
- Apparently in good health.
My fondest memories of life at TF South
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